How to pay an invoice

Choose how to pay an expired Phone Account that is not charged between the different methods:
  • Selfcare Portal
By accessing Selfcare portal in the area dedicated to invoices you can pay directly those expired, or invalid payment methods, by:

•   Credit Card
you will be redirected to the Bank’s authentication page where you can enter your credit card details. If the transaction is successful you can continue browsing the Selfcare; in the event of an error, the warning page will appear to repeat the process.
•   PayPal
you will be sent directly to the dedicated page to complete the payment.
  • Bank transfer
As holder of the WINDTRE BUSINESS telephone account, you can make a Bank Transfer with the following information:

•    Recipient: Wind Tre S.p.A. c/o Unicredit Banca
•    IBAN: IT54 B 02008 05351 000004968848
•    REASON: Customer number, invoice number, telephone number
•    SWIFT CODE: UNCRITMM (only for foreign transfers)
  • Postal Order
You can fill out a Postal Order in white addressed to:  

Wind Tre s.p.A - Customer collections
c/c postal mail 17689035

indicating in the causal:

- Executed by: Account holder WINDTRE BUSINESS
- Reason for payment: Customer Code, invoice number, telephone number.
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