Useful numbers when you are abroad

  • 1928 Free worldwide
If you need assistance abroad call 1928 (if not available, the extended number is 00393205000199).
If you are a WINDTRE BUSINESS customer calling 1928 is always free.
  • +39 327 2122942 via Whatsapp
Write to us on Whatsapp for technical support on voice/data services.
Call Costs
Are you abroad and want to know how much it costs to make or receive a phone call to or from any country in the world?
  • Call free of charge +39 320 5000199, the number dedicated to Roaming abroad, where you can find all the information you need to communicate abroad.
  • Send an SMS to 40266 to find out how much it costs to call from Country A to Country B, the text to be included in the SMS is "Name Country A Name Country B".
To find out how much it costs to receive a phone call, simply send the name of the country you want to know the rate for. You will immediately receive an SMS with the requested information.
Stated prices do not take any enabled options or active discounts into account. If you do not remember the commands required to use the service, you may text “HELP” and receive a reminder about commands to receive the information you need.
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