Payment methods
To pay for the offer and/or additional WINDTRE services, you can choose from the following payment methods:
- Credit card
• by accessing the Selfcare portal
• or by calling Customer Service in 1928 to transmit your data, following all the requirements provided by current legislation to protect the data provided.
- Domiciliation in Current Account
Alternatively, you can request:
• accessing the Selfcare portal
• by contacting Customer Service at 1928 and making a voice recording
• by sending the Sepa Direct Debit Form (SDD)
This form must be:
• filled in all its parts
• signed by the legal representative or his proxy by proxy
• accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s valid identity document.
Finally send the form and the documentation to:
Wind Tre S.p.A.
Customer Service 1928
PO Box No. 14155, Milan Post Office 65 - 20152 Milan
or send an email to:
- EU Banking Institution
Remember that you can change your payment method at any time by accessing Selfcare portal or by calling Customer Service.